How a Flood Can Damage Your Home

Floridians are no strangers to inclement weather. Hurricanes, heatwaves, and more can cause serious damage to your home. One particular concern is flooding, which can cost homeowners thousands of dollars in repairs — even if the flood is comparatively small! Here’s everything you should know about how floods can damage your home. 

Structural Damage

Water is excellent at damaging building materials quickly. It can seep into walls and the foundation, causing internal damage that can make the whole structure unsafe. 

Damage To Appliances And Electronics

Everyone knows that water and electricity don’t mix. Unfortunately, many of our home appliances rely on electricity to function. Flood waters can damage internal electrical wiring and expensive vital appliances such as refrigerators, washing machines, and air conditioning units. 


Flood waters also pose a danger you might not think of right away: contamination. They carry many substances with them, many of which aren’t sanitary or safe to have in a home. When contaminated water sits in your house for long periods, it can be a big job to make your home safe to live in again. 


Wherever water sits, mold will form. This might happen in walls where it isn’t immediately visible. This can cause serious health hazards, especially for those with chronic respiratory illness. Long-term exposure is hazardous, so quick action is a must.

How Love Insurance Services Can Help

If you live near Niceville, FL, it is prudent to be prepared for a flood. One of the best ways is to invest in quality flood insurance. Love Insurance Services serves the Niceville, FL area and helps residents protect their homes in a flood. Contact us today to schedule an appointment!

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Who needs to get a flood insurance plan?

Owning real estate in the Niceville, FL area can be an ideal long-term investment. However, there are risks that come with owning a property in this region as well, and taking out the right insurance to offset the risks is important. One of the best ways to do this is by getting a full flood insurance plan.

There are various scenarios when you need to get this coverage here:

Those with a Loan Outstanding

A common situation when you will need to have a flood insurance plan in this part of Florida is when you have a loan outstanding. Due to the continued intensity of storms, many people in the state of Florida live in a flood zone. Because of this, many property owners are required by lenders to carry a flood insurance plan at all times. If you don’t carry this insurance, you can find yourself in violation of the loan agreement. 

Those Looking for Protection

It is also a good idea to get a flood insurance plan to obtain the protection it can provide. If you have purchased a home, you will want to know you are covered for everything. In many cases, flood damage will not be protected by your home insurance plan. If you do have a flood insurance plan, you will have support if your home is affected by a flood.

Reach Out To Us

Anyone that lives in the Niceville, FL area should seriously consider getting a full flood insurance plan for their property. When you are looking for flood coverage, it can be a good idea to start your search by calling our team with Love Insurance Services. Our team at Love Insurance Services knows the value of this insurance and will give you any guidance you need to build a new policy. 

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