Weather events that are covered by home insurance and those that aren’t

Florida has a wide variety of weather events, which are one of the major causes of home damage. Knowing where you stand as far as coverage of these events is essential not only to your personal security but also to your financial security. At Love Insurance Services in Niceville, FL, we work with our customers to make sure they have the coverage they need to feel secure.


When people think of Florida, the first thing that comes to mind is hurricanes. They are a potential risk, especially in the coastal areas of the Atlantic Ocean and the Gulf of Mexico. Hurricane wind damage may be covered by your home policy. You may likely have different coverage for a hurricane than you have for the rest of your policy, higher deductibles, etc. Surges caused by hurricanes will not be covered. It is considered flooding, which is not covered by traditional home insurance. You can, however, get flood insurance through the NFIP (National Flood Insurance Program).


Tornados come under the heading of heavy winds. If your policy doesn’t cover hurricanes, you need to ask questions about whether wind damage from a tornado is covered. Heavy winds can cause roof damage, so you need to know what your coverage is.

Heavy rain

Heavy rain is part of life in Florida, and depending on the type of damage it causes, it may be considered a flood, and floods are not covered.


Believe it or not, ice can be a home hazard in Florida. It doesn’t happen every year, but it does happen. In areas where it is not the norm, it can cause damage.

Contact Love Insurance Services in Niceville, FL, to discuss your home insurance needs today and in the future.

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Tips to Help Prepare Your Home for Spring and Summer

Florida is renowned for its beautiful climate and beaches. It is also infamous for being in the eye of the storm during hurricane season. The good news is, with help and home insurance protection from us at Love Insurance Services, homeowners throughout the Niceville, FL area can continue to enjoy the beauty of Florida and have help to survive the storms.

Home Insurance: Protecting the Place You Call Home

With home insurance, Florida homeowners have the help they need to protect the place they call home. That means that when that occasional storm strikes, homeowners have the help they need to repair their homes from damages caused by hail, wind, and other significant threats.

If you live in Florida, those occasional storms are worth the trade for the warmth, sun, and beaches of the Sunshine State. And with the right protection, homeowners can get back to business and life as usual, basking in the sun and enjoying the beautiful Florida weather.

Tips to Help Prepare Your Home for Spring and Summer

Home insurance is also something that should be a part of your homeowner’s annual spring and summer preparation checklist. Is your home ready for the spring and summer season?

AC Maintenance and Inspection.

Homeowners will want to test, inspect, or even provide any necessary maintenance for their AC systems, so they will be ready when the temperature begins to climb as the seasons change.

Exterior Inspection

One way to help your home survive the next storm season is to ensure that your home is in good condition before the storms arrive. Check for loose siding, any visible roofing issues, and the condition of your gutters. The better prepared your home is before the storm will typically mean the better your home will look following the storm too.

Schedule A Consultation Today

It can never hurt to check on the status of your home insurance policy, especially before you might need it. Contact us at Love Insurance Services today, and trust the team your Niceville, FL neighbors rely on before, during, and after the storm. 

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Is getting home insurance a good idea in Florida?

The Niceville, FL market has continued to be quite strong over the past few years. Those who have invested and purchased a home in this community will want to know that their asset and home have the right coverage in place. One of the ways you can protect your property is by getting a quality home insurance policy.

There are multiple reasons why a home insurance policy is a good investment for those in this area of Florida. 

Insurance Offers Helpful Coverage

An important reason for anyone to get this type of coverage in Florida is that it offers some very helpful coverage. When you choose to invest in home insurance, it gives coverage for both your personal assets and your dwelling. This will be very helpful if there is an accident or bad weather that causes damage or you are a victim of theft or vandalism. Also, you will receive liability coverage, which can be beneficial if you are deemed liable for an accident that occurs on your property. 

Insurance is Required

It is also important to remember that insurance is often required for property owners. If you are going to purchase a home, you will likely take out a mortgage and will need to meet any lender standards and requirements. Further, you will want to have coverage if you live in a home association that requires insurance. The right insurance plan will keep you in compliance with all such obligations. 

Reach Out To Us

Anyone living in the Niceville, FL area will need to ensure they have the proper insurance. When you are looking for the right insurance for your home in this part of Florida, calling Love Insurance Services will be a great idea. Our experts at Love Insurance Services will give you any support you need to understand your insurance needs, so you can choose a quality plan. 

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